Great North Swim

COVID-19 and Great Swim events Important Event Update THOUSANDS OF SWIMMERS TAKE THE PLUNGE IN WINDERMERE JOHN WEST GREAT NORTH SWIM 2019 Unexpectedly Great: Gill Haddington Gill Haddington will be taking on her first open water swim since losing her leg to Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in May 2017. Unexpectedly Great: Bill Moore 82-year-old Bill Moore swam as a young man but didn’t take up swimming again regularly until he was in his late 40s. Since taking the plunge again, he has set his sights on the open water. He is part of the 2019 Great Swim Unexpectedly Great campaign Unexpectedly Great: Nick Williams Paramedic Nick Williams was inspired to take on swimming fundraising challenges to increase his fitness and activity levels following his father’s cancer diagnosis. He is part of Great Swim's Unexpectedly Great campaign. Unexpectedly Great: Nahla Mahamoud Nahla Mahmoud only learned to swim as an adult three years ago. Her inspirational journey has allowed her to progress from beginner swimmer to the gruelling 10k marathon distance. She is part of the 2019 Great Swim Unexpectedly Great campaign. Unexpectedly Great: Ben Robinson Ben Robinson was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa at the age of 15. He was hospitalised and placed on a re-feeding programme for weight restriction before making a recovery. He is part of the 2019 Great Swim Unexpectedly Great campaign. Unexpectedly Great: Sylvia Mac Sylvia Mac is a childhood burns survivor who endured third and fourth degree burns across her body as a result of an accident when she was just three years old. She is part of the 2019 Great Swim Unexpectedly Great campaign. Unexpectedly Great: Amelia Evans Eight-year-old Amelia Evans is a keen sportsperson and is taking on her first ever open water swimming event as part of a gruelling fundraising challenge. She's part of Great Swim's Unexpectedly Great Campaign